Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
And cheer’s scouts
Honorable to all jury who want give me scores. And unforgotable to all scouts team who have represented each school to follow this competition.
Well audience.
Before I speaking more and more, lets pray unto our god, Allah SWT because by him only we can defeat our lust in considering every think in the world and lets pour at sholawat and salam to the messenger of Allah namely our loved prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from stupidity to cleverness, and from darkness to the brightness
Okay Ladies and Gentlement
In this nice night, I want to tell you my opinion about “Scout Now and Future”
Now, Scouting has spread in almost all of countries. Because our father of scout, Lord Baden Powell of Gillwell who has made and developed scout.
Since scout signed in Indonesia, Scout have added skills the people of Indonesia. But Now , in Indonesia there’re many people forget with scout. They just think scout is a useless activity. Actually, scout is very important for us. Because scout have many positive impact . They’re improve our leadership, patriotism, civic spirit, and others. Main point Scout can increase our skills. Besides Indonesia, other coutries things that scout is very important for their civic spirit. as like America. America is a big country and things scout is very important for their leadership. So other countries regard America is a clever country from their civic spirit.
In the future, Indonesia has a good. Now in Indonesia, there’re a little of boy scout who has a spirit to develop scout again. If this more increase , in the future scout will widespread and repair civic spirit of this country. Scout will make this country a discipline country. All action of all people will refer to the Pancasila and regulations in Indonesia. And won’t forget all religions will be mutual respect. To get good future , we all as members of the scouts must striving to make this nation and active in Scout.
But, beside that there is a bad future also. If it’s more decrease. In the future, scout will be forgeted by every people. This is future unwanted by Indonesia. So, we should avoid this possibility .
Okay, That is all of my speech. If I have mistake with you please forgive me for every thing. May Allah always please us, loves us, know us now and forever
Thank You, And
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
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